How Disabled Parking Permits Vary From State To State
Disabled parking laws exist in all 50 American states. Although the general gist of the handicap parking program is very similar in all states, there are some differences in the exact details of the regulations in each state. The federal government laws about disabled parking are born from the Americans With Disabilities Act, so details that are specified within the ADA are necessarily the same in every state. But there are certain details that are not specified within the ADA, and therefore each state has its own interpretation of these elements of the program. The fact that different states, and even jurisdictions within states, have their own unique interpretation of certain elements of the law, as well as their own unique bylaws, makes disabled parking a little bit complicated at times, but hopefully this article will help to clear some things up! Read on to find out how disabled parking permits vary from state to state. Qualifying Conditions The main list of medical conditions tha...